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Posts by mike

Sony uses CC in Blu-ray marketing campaign


Sony Europe is releasing marketing assets for its Blu-ray Disc format under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license as an integral part of its campaign: “By creating assets available exclusively online and licensing them under Creative Commons, we are encouraging increased interaction between Sony and our target audience,” says James Kennedy, General Manager for Communications Europe…

Internet Archive web-based upload


The Internet Archive has been the most important repository of Creative Commons licensed media since Creative Commons launched over 4 1/2 years ago. However, their ftp-based upload was a barrier to those unfamiliar with that pre-web technology and the Internet Archive’s upload workflow. A small price to pay for otherwise free access to the repository…

60sox — more CC coolness from Australia


CC Australia has another cool announcement today: We here at CCAU are always excited to hear about new concepts designed to help Australian/Kiwi creators get paid for what they do, especially when CC licences are involved. So we’re very happy to call attention to the launch of 60Sox, a new initiative coming out of the…

Unlocking the Potential Through Creative Commons


Creative Commons Australia has just published an amazing 65 page report on the use and potential of CC licenses in various sectors of the Australian economy, government, and media. In November 2006, the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Creative Industries and Innovation (CCi), in conjunction with the Queensland University of Technology, hosted the…