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Posts by mike

The hyperweb explained


You’ve probably seen this video already, or at least noticed that others have blogged it. I didn’t get around to actually watching it until I noticed that Eben Moglen broke five plus months of blog silence to rave about it. “Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us” by Michael Wesch is licensed under CC…

Freedom Multiplier


Wendy Seltzer: You can do great things with free content, and great things with free code, but combining the two multiplies their effect. So I found when I wanted to enhance my Free Software music system with more information about the compositions it played. This specific post isn’t about Creative Commons and free software, but…

CC Music 2.0 Fueling Web 2.0


The title of this post is a subheading from a great writeup of ccMixter’s new playlist features at Dave’s Imaginary Sound Space: Make no mistake, ccMixter is the complete package. No other remix site commands the same level of respect amongst musicians, producers and content creators. Read the entire article for a great overview, then…

ccMixter playlists


Check out the new playlist feature on ccMixter. Listen to Victor’s. ccHost 4.0, the GPL remix management system that runs ccMixter, will be released soon.