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Posts by mike

KCentric on ccMixter


ccMixter admin and ccHost developer Victor says this is better than any award. Listen (mp3) to KCentric talk about ccMixter. Victor also says “If you don’t know KCentric is an amazing talent, remixer, and rapper.” Check out KCentric’s music on ccMixter.

Audio book commons


The New York Times has a story on LibriVox, a community of 1,800 volunteers reading out of copyright books and releasing them as public domain audiobooks. We mentioned LibriVox’s one year birthday earlier this month. The Times article mentions two more audiobook projects using public domain books: Literal Systems, which releases recordings under Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs terms,…

You're on Music Dutch Video


CC Netherlands held a music contest and had a distinguished panel of judges select 13 tracks of 130 submissions. They want to release a DVD … so they need video. That’s where you come in. Read about the video contest on and



Creative Commons founder Lawrence Lessig received a standing ovation for his LinuxWorld San Francisco keynote today on free culture and free software. Some press coverage: VNUNet SecurityFocus Red Herring PodTech (keynote audio) If you’re at LinuxWorld be sure to stop by the Creative Commons booth, say hello to CC staff and volunteers, and…

Ward Cunningham: CC is the 'technology' we need


Ward Cunningham, creator of the first wiki, interviewed in Application Development Trends: The Creative Commons Attribution license is the “technology” we need to save patterns. If we’d known this 15 years ago we would not be in the mess we find ourselves in today. Instead creative individuals would be retelling the patterns in a way…