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Posts by victor

((c)urve)music Remix Contest


(©urve)music™* is a very cool UK label which specializes in chilly Latin jazz and collects brilliant vocalists like nobody’s business. They have agreed to throw several a cappellas and instrumental tracks into the Commons looking to gather enough material for a pair of all CC music remix albums later this year. ccMixter is only happy…

DJ Vadim Contest Extended


The DJ Vadim remix contest currently under way at ccMixter ran afoul of server outages and other shenanigans yesterday so we decided to extend the deadline 48 hours to accommodate entries that could not access the site yesterday. The new deadline is 9 PM PDT Saturday April 21 (4 AM GMT Sunday April 22). The…

DJ Vadim Remix Contest


When Ben from the very cool indie label BBE Music got in touch with us and asked if we would be interested in a DJ Vadim remix contest at ccMixter we thought about it … for about a half a millisecond! You see, in the remixing/turntable world DJ Vadim is nothing short of a superstar…

ccHost 4.0 Official Release


We are proud to announce the official release of Creative Commons’ open source remix community project ccHost 4.0 which is now available for immediate download and install (it’s actually version 4.0.1 so if you downloaded 4.0 or 4.0 RC1 then you should upgrade immediately to get the last minute bug fixes). More information about this…

ccHost Opportunities


The open source remix community project ccHost is proving to be more than an incubator for CC technologies; if you monitor the developer’s list you can’t help noticing the regularity of postings for job opportunities. The latest comes from Brett at Open Source Cinema… We’re looking for a PHP programmer to help with our CChost…