Techdirt’s Mike Masnick, responding to a proposal for a day of sharingstealing:
Gibbs is simply showing his own ignorance of the difference between scarce and infinite goods. That’s because his “Day of Sharing” is a recommendation that people steal (yes, steal!) physical things. He claims that this will show people that sharing music is stealing — but, of course, he’s wrong. Making a copy of an infinite good is entirely different than taking a scarce good away from someone
Masnick follows with an excellent proposal for a real Day of Sharing:
However, if he wants a “Day of Sharing,” perhaps we should give it to him. On the day he’s chosen as his Day of Sharing, November 29, 2009 (the day after Thanksgiving) we should all send him copies of free, public domain or Creative Commons-licensed music from musicians who actually have an open mind on this issue and who encourage sharing, knowing that, with the right business model, it actually helps them tremendously. That would be a true Day of Sharing and would perhaps show Mr. Gibbs that perhaps things aren’t so bad as he thinks they are.
Read the whole post and mark your calendars.
If you haven’t already, also check out Masnick’s case study on the digital music business, Connect With Fans (CwF) + Reason To Buy (RtB) = The Business Model ($$$$).
Posted 26 February 2009