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Creative Commons Three Sixy Five
UncategorizedGrant Robinson is doing his part to make the new year uncommonly great. He’s launched CC:365, a project/podcast to highlight a great CC licensed song every single day of the year. Check out Day One.
Grant also would up 2005 with episodes of The Revolution (unofficial ccMixter 2005 countdown) and Staccato as a guest DJ.
2005 also brought a third program/podcast of all CC music, eight episodes of Songs from the Commons, with Lisa Rein as dj. The most recent show is the strongest yet.
While numerous podcasts feature CC licensed music, as far as I know Staccato, The Revolution, and Songs from the Commons are the only program-length podcasts to feature only CC licensed music.
Black Sweater, White Cat is also worth mentioning, as it features almost all CC licensed music, and is a full two hour weekly program broadcast at WBCR, a community radio station in western Massachusetts, also available as a podcast. The program is really excellent–I’ve listened to many hours of BSWC archives, and plan to listen to every show in 2006.
Know of other CC-only music programs? Leave a comment.
Rumor has it an all-funk guest hosted episode of Staccato is coming soon. Listen in…
Posted 31 December 2005