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UncategorizedA few days ago we turned on a completely redesigned public wiki. The main content there now focuses on software developers. Shortly the entire technology section of the CC site will move to the wiki and will no longer be embarrassingly out of date.
I want to especially draw attention to our technology challenges page. If you’re a developer looking to help CC with your coding skills this is a good place to look, and will get much better soon, updates to be posted here.
Non-developers may want to check out the content curators page on the wiki. Web communities that encourage CC licensing of user generated audio, video, text, images, and more are popping up all over the world to the extent that we can’t keep track. Please add to this page.
Potential contributors do take note — the CC wiki requires registration with a valid email address, which must be confirmed, as one of several spam prevention mechanisms installed. Sorry for the inconvenience.
We’ve wanted to relaunch the CC wiki for awhile, but the particulars took some inspriation from the Mono Project, Hula Project and others who have built wiki-based sites that look great. We’re happy to be part of this trend.
CC designer Alex Roberts is immediately responsible for the CC wiki’s design and software engineer Nathan Yergler for the coding, standing on the shoulders of giants.
Posted 29 January 2006