UncategorizedCreative Commons staff, board member and many friends will be at SXSW Interactive. Here’s a schedule of explicitly CC-linked events:
Trade Show: CC will have a booth Sunday, Monday and Tuesday.
Remixing Business for a Convergent World: CC Creative Director Eric Steuer moderates Monday 10AM.
Digital Preservation and Blogs: CC CTO Mike Linksvayer empaneled Monday 10AM.
EFF/Creative Commons Party: Monday 7PM
Open Science: Science Commons Executive Director John Wilbanks moderates Tuesday 10AM.
Commons-Based Business Models: CC board member Joi Ito moderates Tuesday 11:30AM.
Open Science is a bit of an outlier as SXSW panels go, but I’ve seen lone science presentations go over very well at (computer) technology conferences. I speculate this is because the most computer geeks dreamed of being a scientist as youths but at some point realized they weren’t smart or hard working enough to cut it, so having some science at a (computer) technology conference is some good vicarious fun. Dont’ be offended — I’m projecting. I liked my proposed panel description better than the brief one posted on the SXSW site:
Posted 10 March 2006Scientists are facing the same issues of openness as programmers and other content creators–but far more complex due to higher financial stakes, in addition to patents, trade secrets and the moral implications within developing nations . Learn how web 2.0, open source and related concepts are changing the way scientists work and how, and how they’re being stymied.