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Bay Area: Revision3 launch event tonight (9/26)


Revision3 is a cool new Internet TV company from the founders of digg. They’re using Creative Commons licenses for their content and generally promoting the idea of sharing. Tonight, Revision3 is hosting a free launch event in San Francisco at Mighty. More info about the event is available on And here’s some helpful info about Revision3, sent to us by the company:

Instead of locking down repurposed shows online like most mainstream media, Revision3 develops its own highly original, and entertaining programming directly for the Web, and has adopted a completely neutral stance on distribution. Revision3 shows are currently available with every TiVo box with a podcast feature, will be available on Palm, Inc. devices via the Blazer browser, and on partner web sites such as Apple iTunes, Google Video, YouTube, BitTorrent and DivX.

The revenue comes from Ed Sullivan style product placement where the talent can get jokey with it, and still deliver what advertisers want as far as reaching that coveted niche audience.

Posted 26 September 2006
