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Remix the Remixer
UncategorizedAs ccMixter passed the 5,000 upload mark and our star remixer teru approaches 100 remixes (no accident that his average rating is 4.75 out of 5 by the way) we’re eager to encourage folks with blogs and web pages to check out a new feature that makes it easy to embed dynamic links or Fabricio Zuardi’s Music Player powered by a XSPF playlist into your pages. Appropriately enough we called the feature Publicize. This feature not only applies to remixers, but also their subjects because you can specify that you want the remixes of the artist — hey, 25 remixes of musetta’s “Ophelia’s Song” can’t be wrong. (Publicize here).
Publicize and the new Remix Radio are just two very early features of many that will be falling out of the Query/Formatter API currently under development. Armed with this API developers can query ccMixter in hundreds of ways and ask for the results in a large variety of formats — RSS, XSPF, ATOM, M3U, CSV, AJAX/JSON, etc. as well as pre-formatted HTML. We look forward to mashups of ccMixter remixes and other CC content sites (*cough*).
Posted 30 October 2006