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Sun Microsystems Donates 25,000


We are pleased to announce that Sun Microsystems has pledged $25,000 towards our annual fundraising campaign goal of $300,000. They have chosen to continue their support  of Creative Commons and the broader vision of  a participatory culture, a culture to which both institutions are committed. Sun’s vision everyone and everything participating on the network means that “when people are networked, they share, they interact, and they solve problems.” We thank Sun for their continued support as we will be able to continue realizing the mission of helping to enable a participatory culture, a global digital commons, for another year.


If you too support our mission, either by way of your personal convictions, your work, or your company’s mission and feel committed to our cause please visit our “Support Creative Commons” page or contact our Development Coordinator, Melissa Reeder, to determine the best way for you to support the work of CC.


Posted 13 November 2006