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CC Music Blogs


It’s easy to predict that 2007 will be a good year for CC music when out of the gate three (that we know of) all-CC-all-the-time sites spring up:

First up from Belgium there’s NetLabelism who are on their way to Den Haag to talk to our good buddy and CC music champ Marco Raaphorst.

Next is the audio/video site generationWIRE. Check out the audio section which has been featuring a hand picked selection from ccMixter.

From Brazil there’s Bruno Vellutini’s very cool ccNeLas who says “Since I’ve been listening to excellent songs published under Creative Commons licenses, I decided to create this music blog and promote these artists.”

And while we’re at it, the venerable Black Sweater, White Cat has taken the baton from cc365 (Grant Robertson’s unique CC artist per day project for 2006) with the all new BSWC One-a-day. I’ll be doing a call-in to their live radio show tonight at 6 PM PST (9 EST) to ask why they aren’t playing more Professor Armchair on their show.

Posted 20 January 2007
