NetSquared Conference 2007: Innovation Awards
UncategorizedLast year NetSquared put on a great conference in San Jose, California on the use of technology in nonprofit orgainizations. (And did a great job of documenting the conference, e.g.,audio from my session on Free Speech and Free Culture, chat transcript, and separate audio and video interviews and presentation audio from a subsequent NetTuesday presentation.)
For 2007 Netsquared is organizing the conference around 20 startup social enterprises (not not be strictly nonprofit) using technology for social change. Chosen organizations will have expenses paid for two staff members to attend the conference and funding from the NetSquared Technology Innovation Fund.
You are encouraged to nominate your social enterprise. I encourage you especially if your project as a free culture angle — as every project should :).
Answer to the obvious question: Creative Commons itself is too established for nomination, though we will participate through advocacy and mentoring.
Posted 22 March 2007