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Our Virtual Make Over


For those who haven’t already noticed, Creative Commons’ home on Kula 4 in Second Life is currently undergoing a complete make over – which is happening alongside our Real life office move! Thanks to the ideas of Professor Mark Perry (Learned Om) and Nic Suzor (Nic Marx) of CC Australia, and the work of our in-world friends, we are expecting to hold the Grand opening of the new CC HQ in June 2007. The design plans include a CC marketplace, school, sandbox, and new home for Check it out for yourself!

cc layout

Our SL design and build experts are Bibi Book, Barney Boomslang, and Kimba McMillan. Bibi and Barney are the same duo who brought us the avatar sized CC licensed chess set, and resulting monthly games. Kimba is Bibi’s apprentice. He has helped to organize events, assisted in making the new layout, and is working on learning more about building and terraforming. Barney Boomslang is a scripter and builder of mostly avatars and simscapes. He hosts the CC radio stream for our listening enjoyment at Kula. Bibi Book is a builder as well, who does some scripting. She wrote a Hitchiker’s Guide to SL. She also teaches on demand, helps newcomers learn the ropes, and supports live music at her beach cafe. Find them at Lummerland or roaming around the virtualscape.

team shot

So far, we also have a few graduate students contributing to this project as well. You can find them in-world as Raja Om, Imran Om, and Cowzog Delcon. Cowzog, aka Fred Benenson, built the intense spherical theater being temporarily displayed at Kula. (The 360 degree video images shown in it are recorded with this special camera.)

If anyone else would like to share their talents in building, landscaping, or stocking the Marketplace, please contact any team members mentioned above (I’m Genevieve Junot in SL). Join us for weekly meetings on Fridays at 3pm SLT / 23:00 GMT on Kula Island. Find our planning notes on the wiki.

Posted 16 April 2007
