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An Exciting New Challenge: $100K in Matching Funds for iSummit


Last week, I wrote to ask you to help us raise scholarship funds to help CCi Affiliates’ participation in the iCommons iSummit. Our goal was to raise $50,000 for the CCi Scholarship Fund in a two week period.

I’m writing you today to inform you of an amazing opportunity that makes more urgent our need for your help. A donor has GENEROUSLY offered to give $100,000 towards the iCommons iSummit, if we are able to raise $100,000 to match that gift by May 10th. This gives us nine days to raise a lot of money.

I think we will be able to raise at least half of the $100,000 that we need from some long time supporters of Creative Commons. But this makes meeting our goal of $50,000 from the community even more important. Many of you have contributed already (I know, because I get the job of writing thank you letters!). But if you haven’t, or if you know others you might persuade to help, now is the time. It is my goal to get the broadest range of participants to this Summit. If we can raise the $50,000 in scholarship funds we’ve targeted, we certainly will.

About the iSummit

The iSummit is an annual gathering of the world’s leading intellectuals, authors, lawyers, artists and technologists on the cutting edge of Internet policy. This year’s iSummit will be held in Dubrovnik, Croatia from June 15th – 17th. The invition is open to the public. Conference registration is $500. For more information please visit the official iSummit page.

Posted 02 May 2007