Day 7: CC Peru
UncategorizedThis marks the seventh day since the launch of the CCi Affiliate Scholarship Campaign. It has been an active week and we cannot thank you enough for your support. There are 6 days left to help meet the $100,000 challenge that we announced on May 2nd.
In terms of raising the initial $50,000 for the CCi Scholarship Campaign we are $34,132 away from this goal! We hope that you will continue to support CC by both giving to this campaign and spreading the word.
Today’s highlighted jurisdiction is CC Peru. This is an impressive project so here is Oscar Montezuma’s account of the work that they continually do to forward this movement.
“A few years ago Pedro Mendizabal, Katitza Rodriguez and me, started one of the more challenging projects we ever thought of: Creative Commons Peru. We were convinced that copyright laws needed more sense in the digital age and Peru could not be an exception. Heir to ancient cultures and a rich colonial tradition, Peru became the perfect spot for this new adventure. Located in the heart of the Inca culture, where ideas of community were the key to their everyday life, and boasting one of the finest and more diverse cuisines in the world were Peruvian cheffs (also called dish-jockeys) are great examples of the values that inspired Creative Commons international project and served us too as an inspiration for our main goal.
After sleepless nights and months of hard work, we had our CC launch and celebration (photos). We had the support of the private and public sector including the Peruvian Copyright Office (INDECOPI). After the launch, young lawyer and firm believer of the free culture movement, Rafael Salazar, joined us. The CC Peru team was growing. Many local musicians, writers, designers sent us thousands of emails asking about how to use CC Peru licenses. Guys from Alter Tempo became the first Peruvian band to use the licences and THEMIS-Revista de Derecho, a Law Review run by law students from Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru, launched a CD with legal articles and papers under CC licenses. A month ago we launched reference texts of the licenses in Quechua language, native tongue of the Incas and one of the official languages in Peru and spoken in many places in Andean South American regions.
CC is a vital project and we need your help in reaching this goal so that we can continue helping CC grow and spreading free culture worldwide.”
Posted 04 May 2007