Dominick Chen, from CC Japan, uploaded the latest Creative Commons video, Wanna Work Together? in order to develop translations for his others in Japan. Check out the video and also contribute translations for the languages you know. Also, as a challenge, blog about and let the community know if you have found other CC media and videos. Ryan Junell sent me this link of an old Creative Commons video, Reticulum Rex, with dubbed in Japanese language. This links to a Japanese video sharing site Nifty, which supports all six primary Creative Commons licenses in Japan…its spreading!
If you don’t believe me about the CC spread in Japan, check out CC Chairman of the Board, Joi Ito’s blog post about further CC licensing support at Sony:
Saw Masaki and Takeshi from Sony yesterday. They are responsible for Eyevio, Sony’s video sharing site. Eyevio uses CC licenses as a default allowing users to select their license when they upload. As Kirai reports, you can sync to the PSP and the Video Walkman. They also have it working with the Video iPod. They use H.264 with no DRM and only allow you to sync CC licensed content. My favorite part of the demo Takeshi did or me with his Video Walkman was when Eyevio popped up a dialog box when you were about to sync the videos that said, “Do you agree to abide by this CC license?” Awesome. Really.
There are great things happening in all the CC jurisdictions. Check out our worldwide page, track down your jurisdiction project leads, and jump into your local scene. If you are in a country that doesn’t have a jurisdiction, help instigate your jurisdiction to have a CC affiliation.
Posted 04 June 2007