With iSummit 2007 kicking off at the end of this week (June 15th), it seems only appropriate to wrap up our series highlighting the phenomenal work being done by Creative Commons international jurisdiction projects. Two stories remain, and today we present Creative Commons Bulgaria.
CC Bulgaria, in cooperation with six international partners, including CC Sweden, is actively working on initiative, aiming to bring to life an open and accessible platform for knowledge and educational materials about Free Software and Open Standards. The initiative is called SELF Project — an acronym for Science, Education and Learning in Freedom. The SELF platform aims to bring together universities, training centers, Free Software communities, software companies, publishing houses and government bodies to centralize, create and disseminate information, educational and training materials on Free Software and Open Standards.
The SELF platform will simultaneously be a knowledge base and a collaborative production facility. On the one hand, it will provide information, educational and training materials that can be presented in different languages and forms: from course texts, presentations, e-learning programs and platforms to tutor software, e-books, instructional and educational videos and manuals. On the other hand, it will offer a platform for the evaluation, adaptation, creation and translation of these materials. The production process of such materials will be based on the organizational model of Wikipedia. In short, SELF will be a web-based, multi-language, free content knowledge base written collaboratively by experts and interested users.
All educational materials on the SELF Platform will be available under free licenses, which allow unlimited use for any purpose, modification, and distribution. Special attention will be paid to the CC-BY license, as the attribution clause specifies that the authors of a document must be attributed in all future versions of the document. Attribution is an important aspect of the SELF project as it allows everyone working with the SELF platform to garner a positive reputation through recognition of the materials they have contributed to.
In addition to an already impressive platform, sitting on the newly established SELF Advisory Board are both Heather Ford and Lawrence Liang.
Posted 11 June 2007