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"Rock'n'Rebirth" Media Web Meet-up @ Songbird
UncategorizedMadonna and Trent Reznor lose their labels. Radiohead lets fans choose their price. Led Zeppelin … finally decides to make its music available on iTunes.
Last month was an exciting one for those watching the future of the music distribution industry (except for the tardy Led Zeppelin announcement, which could lead one to conclude that Rock’n’Roll is dead, dead, dead).
But what does this upheaval among the majors mean for fans, for remixers, for culture, and more narrowly, for free culture and digital media on the web, for Creative Commons?
I’ll be presenting and leading a discussion on just this topic at the first Media Web Meet-up @ Songbird, November 13th 1pm to 3pm in San Francisco. Songbird makes a radical web-aware media player based on the same software platform as the Firefox browser. They also hosted CC’s 4th birthday party last year (but in case you attended that, they’ve moved to a bigger space since then, so don’t go where the party was).
You can RSVP for next Wednesday’s event at Upcoming or Facebook (and if you’re going to be on Facebook, click to spread the word about Creative Commons to your friends).
Posted 05 November 2007