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Two New Academic Studies of CC


In what seems to becoming a trend, two new academic papers have been made available online that explore the varying implications of Creative Commons in relation to copyright law and culture at large.

The first paper, The Creative Commons and Copyright Protection in the Digital Era: Uses of Creative Commons Licenses by Minjeong Kim, examines CC licensors by using a “mixed-methods approach involving a web-based survey of CC licensors, a content analysis of CC-licensed works, and interviews – the study characterizes CC licensors, the ways that CC licensors produce creative works, the private interests that CC licenses serve, and the public interests that CC licenses serve.”

The second paper (forthcoming), License or a Contract, Analyzing the Nature of Creative Commons Licenses by Herkko Hietanen, focuses on the functional nature of CC licenses, attempting to understand “how the licenses should be interpreted, enforced and what the potential remedies are that might exist if a licensee fails to comply with the terms of the license”.

Posted 16 November 2007
