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CC Hong Kong begins public discussion
UncategorizedIt’s with great pleasure to announce that the CC project in Hong Kong has entered the public discussion for their localized license draft. We would like to congratulate the CC Team in Hong Kong, lead by Dr. Yahong Li and Alice Lee (The University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law) as well as Rebecca MacKinnon (Journalism and Media Studies Center).
Please feel invited to join the Hong Kong team in discussing and reviewing their license draft and help the licenses to be adapted to Hong Kong law. The role of the discussion is to start the public debate and to make the least amount of changes necessary to bring the licenses into accord with Hong Kong law ( We expect the archived discussions to serve as a history of this experience. That way, your input will continue to be useful to anyone from any country even after the discussion for Hong Kong is completed.
We are looking forward to an interesting and fruitful discussion!
Posted 03 January 2008