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Creative Commons is working with Budapest University of Technology and Economics and Center for Media Research and Education to create Hungary jurisdiction-specific licenses from the generic Creative Commons licenses.

CCi Hungary List

Legal Project Lead: Dr. Aniko Gyenge
Public Project Lead: Bodó Balázs, István Szakadát (MOKK), Attila Kelényi (Kiskapu)


About The Center for Media Research and Education (MOKK)

The Center for Media Research and Education (MOKK) was founded in 2002 as a joint effort of the Department of Sociology and Communication at the Budapest University of Technologyand Economics and the leading Hungarian telco, Hungarian Telecom with the aim of furthering multi-disciplinary research and education in the field of new media in Hungary. MOKK’s teaching and research staff comes from very different academic backgrounds – such as economics, urban sociology, media studies, cultural studies, computer science, cognitive sciences and linguistics – but share an interest in new media technologies.

MOKK is built around the conviction that it is impossible to understand the sociocultural effects of new technologies without taking into account their technical foundations and attributes; and conversely, in order to develop succesful new media applications one needs to understand the sociocultural context of their use.

MOKK is involved in several on-going R&D projects such as the National Digital Archive; Szószablya (Wordchopper), an open source morphological analysis application for the Hungarian language; Hunglish, an open source mechanical statistical translator application (Hungarian-English; English-Hungarian); and Agyfarm (Brainfarm), an integrated on-line group-work, publication and communication platfrorm for Hungarian academic researchers.

More information about MOKK is available at

For information about the Creative Commons Hungary project, visit

Posted 06 March 2008
