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Monopoly Shuffle: A Remix Contest
UncategorizedOn May 28-30, The Center for Intellectual Property at the University of Maryland University College will be hosting a symposium focused on U.S. copyright monopoly, technological innovation and higher education institutions titled “Monopoly: Playing the Innovation Game”. The symposium will take place at the UMUC Inn and Conference Center in metro Washington D.C.
Tied into the lengthly and impressive speaker list is a competition encouraging legal reuse of public domain and CC-licensed works with a nice prize pot in which you can choose free admission to two (2) Fall 2008 or Spring 2009 workshops of your choice, a $200 cash prize, or a secret prize (TBA). Entries must be CC-licensed and in by May 1, 2008. From CIP:
Posted 11 March 2008Pull clips, text, and images from the CIP’s website or from the public domain and use them to create a new work of art in any medium. You can add your own content or mix it up with some Creative Commons (CC) licensed art. All submissions should be CC-Licensed.
We encourage you to make use of at least one item created by the CIP. In the end, your message should tie in with the 2008 Symposium theme: (c) Monopoly: Playing the innovation game. Whoever gives us the most creative and coherent content remix will be awarded a prize valued at up to $300.