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Open Educational Resources Survey


In May of 2007, the Center for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI) of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) published a report called, “Giving Knowledge for Free: The Emergence of Open Educational Resources.” This report published the findings from a study in 2006, which included the results of a survey taken by 193 people in 49 countries. At the time, a quarter of them used one of the Creative Commons licenses, with half using no license at all. This data curiously contrasted with what the majority of the respondents actually said, according to the report, that “they were deeply involved in OER activities, mostly as users of open content and only slightly less as producers.”

However, two  years is a long time considering the nature of the net. That’s why, in order to accurately track and capture developments in the world of OER, CERI/OECD has posted an OER Follow-up Survey on the web. Whether you’re a teacher or researcher, ccLearn encourages you to contribute just 15 minutes to this survey. Your answers will be valuable in gauging and relaying the (perhaps leaps and bounds of) progress that has occurred in the field of OER and open learning. 

Posted 09 April 2008