SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), along with other sponsors, is organizing the second annual Sparky Awards, “a contest that recognizes the best new short videos on the value of sharing and aims to broaden the discussion of access to scholarly research by inviting students to express their views creatively.”
Last year’s winners were announced earlier this year; the winners and runners up were all university students. Though this contest is ideal for college students with time on their hands, anyone can enter, as long as the video is:
- two minutes or less
- completed between January 1 and November 30, 2008
- narrated or subtitled in English
- publicly available on the internet on a web site or digital repository
- open for use under one of several Creative Commons licenses (details here)
This year’s theme is “MindMashup: The Value of Information Sharing.” The winner receives $1,000 along with a nifty Sparky statuette, while the runners up get $500 each along with an almost as nifty personalized certificate. Educators, this is a perfect assignment for class, summer or fall, since the deadline isn’t until November 30, 2008. Everyone else, happy mashing!
Posted 09 May 2008