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A Special Thanks to


The Creative Commons gratefully acknowledges support on behalf of in the form of a $50,000 annual five-year grant. The grant is from the Beal Fund of the Triangle Community Foundation. This substantial investment demonstrates Lulu’s commitment to participatory culture and we are particularly grateful for it.

Lulu was founded in 2002 to empower creators to succeed, to provide them with the tools and services to reach audiences without having to abide arbitrary rules and restrictions of the past. Since that time, the company has helped more than 1 million creators around the world and touched off a revolution that continues to reshape the publishing industry. Lulu has long been a supporter of Creative Commons and this financial contribution helps ensure a vibrant future.

“Lulu works every day to solve the problems of authors, educators, researchers and other content creators,” said Bob Young, Lulu’s founder and CEO. “We’re proud to support Creative Commons and its innovative solutions to this particularly complex issue. Its goal is the same as ours; to encourage and enable creators to bring their works to the world.”

Bob was an initial investor in Creative Commons, and we’re grateful to have his continued support. If you too believe in the power of participatory culture, please join Bob and Lulu in investing in CC. Help us ensure a healthy, thriving global commons for future creators.

Posted 08 January 2010