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The Technical Working Group for the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative is Announced
UncategorizedWe had a wonderful response from the Call for Participation in the Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI) Technical Working Group with highly qualified individuals and representatives from many leading organizations in the education field. (As you may recall, LRMI is a project led by Creative Commons and the Association of Educational Publishers to establish a common vocabulary for describing learning resources.) After consultation with the LRMI project partners, we needed to balance all the restrictions of an efficient, productive, and representative working group along with the large numbers of qualified potential members.
The LRMI Technical Working Group membership is:
- Sheryl Abshire, Calcasieu Parish Public School System
- Phil Barker, JISC CETIS
- Dan Brickley, VU University Amsterdam
- Brian Carver, UC Berkeley School of Information
- Cable Green, Creative Commons
- Greg Grossmeier, Creative Commons (Co-Chair)
- Charlie Jiang, Microsoft
- Michael Johnson, Full Potential Associates
- Mike Linksvayer, Creative Commons (Co-Chair)
- Joshua Marks, Curriki
- Brandt Redd, Gates Foundation
- Colin Smythe, IMS Global
- Stuart Sutton, Dublin Core Metadata Initiative
- Randy Wilhelm, netTrekker
- Lee Wilson, PCI Educational Publishing
The first meeting of the Working Group will be a teleconference this Wednesday (August 17th). To follow along with the progress of the group, there is a public timeline and mailing list that anyone can join.
Posted 16 August 2011