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Conozca a los Miembros del Comité de la Cumbre Global de CC 2023


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Después de años de reunirse en línea, la comunidad de CC claramente está lista para reunirse en persona para la Cumbre Global de CC 2023 del 3 al 6 de octubre en la Ciudad de México, mostrando que el trabajo para abrir el conocimiento y la cultura es más popular e importante que nunca. Recibimos 184 respuestas de calidad a nuestra convocatoria de propuestas y más de 300 solicitudes de ayuda financiera para asistir. Ahora las personas reciben notificaciones sobre el éxito de sus propuestas de sesiones y solicitudes de becas y comienzan a planificar su viaje.

El interés inmenso en la Cumbre Global de este año generó grandes desafíos para los voluntarios que se unieron a la comunidad de CC para dar forma al programa y la participación de la Cumbre. Si bien hubiera sido maravilloso aceptar cada propuesta y solicitud, los límites de financiamiento, tiempo y espacio significaron que los miembros del comité tuvieron que tomar decisiones difíciles para tratar de formar una Cumbre que esperamos sea diversa, enriquecedora y práctica.

En todo momento, los comités trabajaron para tratar de hacer posible que todos tuvieran algún conexión con la Cumbre. Si bien decidimos que no sería práctico tratar de realizar un evento totalmente híbrido en el que tanto los participantes remotos como los presenciales pudieran participar de manera sincrónica, reconocimos que también era imposible reunir a todos los que quisieran asistir en un solo lugar.

En consecuencia, solicitamos sesiones en vivo en la Ciudad de México y experiencias a las que la gente pueda acceder en línea, cuando y donde pueda. Además de los paneles, talleres, charlas relámpago, carteles, y reuniones de la Cumbre misma, los participantes grabarán videos para verlos a pedido y reunirse en sesiones en línea antes y después de las sesiones en persona que tendrán lugar del 3 al 6 de octubre. En resumen, hay una manera de que cada sesión interesante llegue a una audiencia, ya sea solo los presentes en la Ciudad de México o el público mundial en línea. Dados los altos costos, las molestias de las restricciones de viaje, y los impactos ambientales de realizar eventos globales en ubicaciones únicas, más allá de la Cumbre de este año, esperamos continuar explorando prácticas tan variadas para unir a las personas.

En todas sus decisiones, los comités priorizaron la inclusión, trabajaron para equilibrar a los becarios e invitaron a sesiones para reflejar la diversidad de la comunidad de CC. Mientras tomamos en consideración factores como la calidad de la propuesta, la contribución anterior, y la necesidad financiera, también nos esforzamos por equilibrar el programa y los participantes por país, región, idioma, género, formato de entrega — enfatizando las sesiones que son colaborativas, interactivas y/o rompen el molde de la presentación clásica de un orador — y el tema — basándose en el tema de la Cumbre de IA y los bienes comunes, y temas que incluyen una mejor internet, creatividad contemporánea, cultura y patrimonio, educación, periodismo, y investigación y ciencia.

¡Únase a nosotros para agradecer a los miembros del comité del programa y de becas por su servicio! Se reunieron de todo el mundo — y en todo momento del día y de la noche — para refinar los procesos y revisar las presentaciones para ayudar a tantas personas como sea posible con fondos para asistir a la Cumbre y para dar forma a un programa que represente muchas actividades diversas en los bienes comunes que esperamos que inspire, pero no abrumar.

Si aún no se ha registrado en la Cumbre, regístrese para unirse a nosotros en la Ciudad de México, o si no está seguro de poder viajar allí, regístrese como participante virtual para asegurarse de enterarse y poder unirse a todas las actividades en línea.

Nota: Los miembros de los comités presentaron sus biografías en inglés.

Comité de Programa

Head shot of Amber Osman. Amber Osman (she/her)

Ambassador, DOAJ

I am an open science advocate and my greater interests are in scholarly content and the publication ethics. I am actively involved in different international academic, research & publishing organizations and with the Higher Education Commission (Govt. of Pakistan). An award-winning journal editor for advancing the publishing process by adopting innovative research and publishing solutions.

Head shot of Aysa Ekanger.Aysa Ekanger (she/her)

Open Access Advisor, UiT The Arctic University of Norway

I am based at the library of UiT The Arctic University of Norway and work mainly with Open Access-related topics. Giving advice about copyright and licensing issues is one of my tasks.

Head shot of Brian Ssennoga.Brian Ssennoga (he/him)

CEO, Guild Digital

Brian is passionate mostly about 2 things: developing young leaders and the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Development. Brian currently serves as Director, Digital Health, for Last Mile Health’s Liberia Country Program, overseeing the adoption of the eCBIS (Community Based Information System) powered by the OpenSRP, a digital public good choice for public and private sector Community health digitization programs in Liberia. He is a founding member of the ICT Association of Uganda, and holds a Bachelor’s in Computer Science, a Postgrad diploma in Information Technology and an MBA (International Business). When not exploring the world through technology events and adventure, Brian loves to cook meals for family and friends, enjoy a good book, post a blog or play the guitar.

Cartoon avatar of Carlo Joseph Moskito.Carlo Joseph Moskito (co-chair; he/him)

Teacher, Instructional Designer, e-Learning Developer, Wikimedian, Philippines

Carlo is an educator and a free culture and open movement advocate from the Philippines. He has worked for several print publishing companies and an educational technology (edtech) company focusing on the content development of K to 12 instructional materials. Currently, he works for a USAID project on developing early grades reading materials in selected mother tongues in the Philippines. He is the lone member from the Philippines of the Creative Commons Global Network, a volunteer to several Wikimedia projects such as the Encyclopedia of Philippine Heritage, and a member of the Wikimedia Foundation’s Elections Committee.

Head shot of Irene Soria.Irene Soria (she/her)

Embajadora, Creative Commons México

Irene is a PhD in the Feminist Studies Department at Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana in Mexico City. She is a part-time faculty member, academic, consultant, graphic designer and activist for the free software / free culture movement since 2009. Irene decided to explore and study her own practices when migrating to the exclusive use of free software as a graphic designer, which led her to the in-depth analysis of open knowledge, free access, the Commons and above all: social sciences crossed by feminism and decolonial studies. Around these topics, she has written a degree thesis, academic and general interest articles, books and compilations, as well as attended and presented at conferences in many countries. In 2018, she was invited to re-found the Creative Commons Mexico Chapter, which she represents at the Global Network Council, in addition to being a member of the CC Global Network Council Membership Committee and, lately, part of the ExCom.

Screenshot of an abstract geometrical illustration shown in a computer drawing program.Jennifer Miller (she/her)

Independent Open Knowledge Advocate

As an independent civic technologist and open knowledge advocate, my activities currently focus on organizing civic tech volunteers at Code for the Carolinas, service on the board of FORCE11, and planning a sustainable future for Translate Science. My academic background is in public policy and technical communication, and I have completed the Creative Commons Certificate Program for Educators.

Head shot of Lía Rodríguez.Lía Rodríguez (she/her)

Socióloga, TEDIC

Estudiante de Sociología, militante feminista de las ciencias sociales. Cuento con experiencia laboral en organizaciones sociales rurales y urbanas. Activista en ámbitos de la comunicación popular e inclusión digital de comunidades en situación de vulnerabilidad.

Head shot of Marcela Basch.Marcela Basch (she/her)

Nexialist, LAIA

I am a journalist, educator and nexialist based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since 2013, I am focused on collaborative, free, and open culture. I founded El Plan C, the first website in Spanish focused on these issues. I co-founded Encuentro Comunes (Commons Conference) with the goal of spreading awareness about those initiatives. I write a newsletter, Diez palabras: new tendencies from a linguistics nerd perspective. I have been part of CCGN since 2017, the Gathering for Open Science Hardware (GOSH) since 2018, and Laboratorio Abierto de Inteligencia Artificial (LAIA) since 2023.

Head shot of Nate Angell.Nate Angell (co-chair; he/him)

Director of Communications & Community, Creative Commons

I’m an evangelist connecting people, ideas, and technologies to try to make things better, now leading communications and community at Creative Commons. I’ve worked across a wide variety of public and private institutions, focusing on community development, digital communications, meaningful education, open technologies, and sustainable growth. I live in Portland, Oregon, USA with some other cats and humans.

Head shot of Nyirahabihirwe Clementine.Nyirahabihirwe Clementine

General Secretary, Wikimedia Community User Group Rwanda

Nyirahabihirwe Clementine is Rwandese and holds a Bachelor’s degree from National University of Rwanda, in the faculty of Economics and Management, Economics Department. ​She started contributing on Wikimedia projects in 2019 and is one of the four founders of Rwanda Wikimedia community user group, acting as General Secretary in the executive team. She used to organize and coordinate many different Wikimedian projects in my community (eg, Wikipedia Pages Wanting Photos, Wiki Loves Monuments , Wiki Loves Women, Wiki Loves Africa, Wiki Loves Folklore).

Head shot of Prodip Roy.Prodip Roy

Library Officer. RMIT University

I have been a library professional in local and state Governments and the tertiary education sector in Australia and Bangladesh for nineteen years. As the founder and Editor in Chief, I lead The Librarian Times team in implementing its vision and mission. I was the founder and President of the Bangla Language and Cultural School in Adelaide, South Australia, from 2013 -2015. I served as a Co-Chair for Special Interest Group-International Information Issues (SIG-III) of The Association for Information Science and Technology (ASIS&T) for three consecutive years from 2018 to 2021. I am serving as an ASIS&T Governance Committee member for 2022-2023. I have been a Creative Commons Global Network and CC Australia chapters member for the last few years.

Head shot of Thalia Rahme.Thalia Rahme (co-chair; she/her)

Independent Communications Consultant

A city goat, originally from Beirut, but currently living in Marseille. A former journalist, yet an unrepentant storyteller. A versatile comms person who’s into management. I’m interested in bridging between languages and technology and making information accessible to whomever needs it in the appropriate format. Currently learning 한국어 My Achilles heel is design but I haven’t lost hope yet 🙂

Comité de Becas

Head shot of Eunice Mercado-Lara.Eunice Mercado-Lara (she/her)

Civic Science Fellow, The Open Research Funders Group

I’m a Civic Science Fellow at the Open Research Funders Group, where I lead the Open & Equitable Model Funding Program, a research funders’ community of practice to pilot interventions to make grantmaking practices more equitable and incentivize open and collaborative scholarly practices. I have worked in the public sector to help government funding agencies in North and Latin America align incentives and policies to advance open research. I have served as a board and committee member in several international organizations and initiatives advocating for open scholarship practices, such as CERN’s SCOAP3 initiative, the Open Access Week, and the OpenCon LATAM.

Head shot of Ivan Martínez.Ivan Martínez (he/him)

Creative Commons México and R3D

Human rights defender and long-time free and open knowledge activist. Currently Creative Commons México Coordinator.

Head shot of Lia P. Hernández Pérez.Lia P. Hernández Pérez (she/her)

Co-Founder, Creative Commons Panama Chapter

I am the founder of the Panamanian chapter of Creative Commons. Since 2014, I have been a very active actor promoting the use of CC licenses in the local and regional community.

Head shot of Mari Moreshead.Mari Moreshead (she/her)

Chief of Staff, Creative Commons

Mari came to CC in 2015 after three years at the Mozilla Foundation. Prior to that, she held similar administrative roles at a legal technology start up and the Playful Invention Company. She leads staff engagement, hiring, and other CC operations. She’s lived in a few Canadian cities but now calls Toronto home where she lives with her cats.  When she’s not at her desk, she’s quilting.

Head shot of Max Wardeh.Max Wardeh (he/him)

Founder and CEO, Open Knowledge Connective

Interested in finding ways to get people in different areas of open culture (education, software, hardware, media, archives) to collaborate and grow the movement. Helping build Internet of Production Alliance, Open Knowledge Connective, and Less Impact. Teaching at Loughborough University London and OpenClassrooms.

Head shot of Olalekan Isaac Olatunde.Olalekan Isaac Olatunde (he/him)

Executive Secretary, Wikimedia Nigeria Foundation

Olatunde Isaac is a Nigerian scientist, food safety specialist, open knowledge advocate and social entrepreneur. He’s a long-term Wikipedia editor and Wikimedia community manager in Nigeria. Isaac is a versatile personality whose works in the open movement, specifically on Wikipedia, have been extensively covered by national and international media and have received numerous accolades for his contributions. He is one of the most prolific contributors to Wikipedia in Africa, and in 2015, he founded Wikimedia User Group Nigeria (now a charitable organization in Nigeria) that focuses on promoting Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects in Nigeria.

Head shot of Sami Mlouhi.Sami Mlouhi

CC Global Network Member

I’m Sami Mlouhi, a CC network member living in Tunis, Tunisia. I’m a Wikimedian and an advocate for open knowledge all over the world.

Posted 04 August 2023