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Jennie Rose Halperin — Open Culture VOICES, Season 2 Episode 25

Open Culture

Jennie says “one thing that I love about the internet is that it has allowed us to do things we weren’t able to in the past.” In this episode we learn about the differences between digital and physical collections and what it means to be open to the public online as well as in real life when the mission of the institution is to serve the public interest and share cultural heritage.

Open Culture VOICES is a series of short videos that highlight the benefits and barriers of open culture as well as inspiration and advice on the subject of opening up cultural heritage. Jennie Rose Halperin is the Director at the Library Futures project at NYU Engelberg.

Jennie responds to the following questions:

  1. What are the main benefits of open GLAM?
  2. What are the barriers?
  3. Could you share something someone else told you that opened up your eyes and mind about open GLAM?
  4. Do you have a personal message to those hesitating to open up collections?

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Want to hear more insights from Open Culture experts from around the world? Watch more episodes of Open Culture VOICES here >>

Posted 19 September 2023
