This post is by the Lebanese Creative Commons Community, who shares this Slideshare presentation to accompany the milestones outlined below.
In the past three years, the Lebanese CC Community has started to structurally gain momentum and actively co-create together on local, regional and multi-national levels. The community that we have is vibrant and diverse consisting of visual artists, photographers, musicians, NGOs, and publishers—each with his own story and journey with CC.
You will hear more from us this month about the success stories and profiles of selected Lebanese CC Community members sharing the various ways they use CC to create and share. We would like to start this with a visual blast, a presentation to introduce our artists and content creators.
But also, we wanted to take this opportunity to let you know what we have been up to the past year, and what we look forward to in 2011 to further enhance CC license usage and creative collaborations.
In April 2010, after participating in CC events around the region, Beirut finally had its first CC salon which showcased local work licensed under CC and the individual stories behind them. And six months later, following the CC regional meeting in Qatar, we were honored to host CC founders Joi Ito and Professor Lessig for an official launch of CC initiatives. We also felt supported and safe with having on board a “legal duo” of Lebanese lawyers, Pierre al Khoury and Mohammed Darwish, who will be helping in dispersing knowledge about CC, advocate for CC protected works and follow up on any infringement issues within the Lebanese Legal community in the future.
The near future also holds another milestone for us; this month will be the launch of the Lebanese CC Community official website as part of the CC site. What is also remarkable is that the site structure and content is a crowd-sourced effort of our community and under the creative management of our amazing Naeema Zarif, who has been our community “brand’s” representative both locally and regionally.
We’d like to thank the CC Community for hosting us this month, as we all look forward to Create, Share, Remix and Reuse with you!
Posted 14 February 2011