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Black Sweater White Cat … Live!


Weekly two hour radio program dedicated to CC-licensed music Black Sweater White Cat initiated WBCR’s new live stream last week. Now you can catch the program every Saturday at 9PM EDT (Sunday 1AM GMT) and not have to wait for the podcast. BSWC host Biotic writes in: Next week we will be talking to Lisa…

ccHost 2.0.1 and subversion


Every major software release has bugs and ccHost 2.0, released last week, is no exception. Today we released ccHost 2.0.1, fixing a problem with contests and making it easier to install in a non-webroot directory. (ccHost is the GPL-licensed web app that runs ccMixter, read all about it here.) In other development news Nathan has…


The iCommons site is now live with some exciting news about this summer’s iSummit. What is iCommons? Incubated by Creative Commons, iCommons is an organisation with a broad vision to develop a united global commons front by collaborating with open content, access to knowledge, open access publishing and free culture communities around the world. Using…

Jimmy Wales and Laurie Racine Join the CC Board


We’re pleased to announce that we have added to new members to our Board. Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia fame and Laurie Racine, one time President of the Center for the Public Domain and Chair and co-founder of Public Knowledge. More details here.


About CC

San Francisco, USA — March 30, 2006 Creative Commons is pleased to announce the addition of two new members to its Board of Directors — Jimmy Wales and Laurie Racine. Jimmy Wales is the founder and President of the Wikimedia Foundation, the non-profit corporation which operates Wikipedia, the volunteer-created, multi-lingual, Web-based, free-content encyclopedia, in addition…

ccHost 2.0


We’ve just released ccHost 2.0, the GPL-licensed software platform that powers ccMixter. Thanks to Victor Stone for months of mad coding (when he’s not remixing) and Jon Phillips for packaging the release. I’ve already blogged about two new features included in this release, remix statistics and the sample pool API, but there’s much more. Check…

Creative Commons Releases Open Source Software ccHost 2.0

About CC

San Francisco, USA, March 28, 2006 ccHost, an Open Source project that provides web-based infrastructure to support collaboration, sharing, and storage of multi-media using Creative Commons licenses and metadata, released version 2.0 today. This major feature release combines approximately six months of development, usage, and testing into packages that anyone may download, install, and use…


About CC

San Francisco, CA, USA and Berlin, GERMANY — March 29, 2006 — Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, today unveils a localized version of its innovative licensing system in The People’s Republic of China. Creative Commons copyright licenses are available free of charge…

Remix Reading art show


Remix Reading is running an exhibition of Creative Commons-licensed art at the Riverside Museum at Blake’s Lock in the UK from April 28th through 30th. There’s an open call for submissions until April 6, so get to it! Remix Reading’s Tom Chance tells us: Anyone can submit, and we’d especially like to receive “real media”…

Submit your artwork to the Sharing Is Daring art show


Hot on the heels of Free Culture @ NYU‘s Creative Commons Art Show, the good people of Harvard Free Culture are organizing Sharing Is Daring, an exhibition of Creative Commons-licensed artwork to be held in Cambridge the week of April 10. Wanna be a part? Lucky you — there’s an open call for submissions until…