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Category: Open Culture

Eight case studies show opportunities, challenges, and needs of low-capacity and non-Western cultural heritage institutions

Open Culture
An abstract artwork that looks like a system of rivers spread out across orange and yellow land, opening to a bay with the text

In October 2021, Creative Commons launched a call for case studies on open access in cultural institutions such as galleries, libraries, archives and museums (GLAMs), from low-capacity, non-Western institutions, or representing marginalized,underrepresented communities from various parts of the world. The aim of the open call was to help generate a more global, inclusive, and equitable…

Meet the Judges #CCSharesCulture: João Pombeiro

Open Culture

Creative Commons’ Open Culture Remix Art Contest #CCSharesCulture is open until 30 April 2022. So there’s still plenty of time to remix existing art and turn it into something fresh and exciting under the theme “Love Culture? Share Culture!” In the run up to the submission deadline, we are introducing our panel of experts, who…