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Category: Open Knowledge

Launching Inside OER, the Comic

Open Education

For those of you who’ve been following, ccLearn started interviewing innovative people and projects in the open education space last April, when we kicked things off with a highly informative interview of Leigh Blackall at Otago Polytechnic (the university whose default licensing policy is CC BY. Inside OER is the current culmination of our efforts,…

IssueLab's Lisa Brooks on Opening Up Research

Open Education

Logo by Gabi Fitz | CC BY-NC-SA ccLearn recently spoke with Lisa Brooks from IssueLab. Instead of crossing telephone lines (who does that anymore anyway?), I caught up with her via that archaic method of correspondence known as electronic mail…* *Similarly archaic, but not outdated in coolness factor, are comics. The first comic issue of…

EFF Teaches Copyright, without an agenda

Open Education

When it comes to copyright, our youth are too often bombarded with extremes. The entertainment industry giants propagate a skewed perspective by launching anti-copying educational programs, leaving out much of the balanced information necessary to cultivating user’s awareness about her real rights to a resource. This results in students thinking that they can react in…

Open Education and Open Science in Poland

Open Education

Two very important conferences were held in Warsaw earlier this month (and late last month): “Open Educational Resources in Poland” (23 April) and “Open Science in Poland” (5 May). Alek Tarkowski, Public Lead of Creative Commons Poland, elaborates on the open education workshops held at each conference, one of which was led by ccLearn’s Ahrash…

Open Translation Tools 2009

Open Education

One of the social barriers to wide adoption of educational resources is the availability of them in various countries’ native languages. When educational resources are licensed openly, sans the ND term, this barrier is easily overcome via translation practices. However, a lot of issues still remain even with OER at hand to be freely translated,…

CK-12 Foundation's Neeru Khosla on Open Textbooks

Open Education

Back in March, we were so excited about the new Physics Flexbook aligned to Virginia’s state standards that we had to catch up with the foundation that helped to make it possible. The obvious choice was Neeru Khosla, co-founder of the CK-12 Foundation, “a non-profit organization with a mission to reduce the cost of textbook…

Digital Open

Open Education

The Digital Open, a new online community and competition for youth, is now accepting free and open technology projects from anyone 17 or younger. Free and open means openly licensed, with software licensed under a GPL license and content licensed under CC BY-NC-SA. (See the Digital Open–approved Licenses for more details.) The competition runs until…

Student Journalism 2.0

Open Education

Never has it become more plainly evident that the old model of news reporting—reporting via professional print media to the people—is crumbling, as one by one newspapers across the country shut down. We can lament these long-standing institutions, wax poetic for the “good old days”, or we can actually do something about it. The solution…

New Education Program Assistant

Open Education

Welcome to Alex Kozak, our new Education Program Assistant! Alex will be graduating from the University of California, Berkeley next month, with a BA in Philosophy. (That makes three former Philosophy majors at ccLearn.) In this economy, it was no surprise that we had access to a great pool of highly-qualified candidates. Thanks to everyone…

Welcome Summer Interns!

Open Education

We have finally concluded our rigorous search for summer interns. This year, we’ll be welcoming five students to work at the San Francisco office. Thanks to everyone who submitted an application. It was great to see such an incredible number of responses! Please let me introduce: Lee-Sean Huang will be the International Outreach intern for…