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Are you really CC Savvy?


Test what you’ve learned by explaining CC to your friends. Exercise You’ve had some time to explore Creative Commons licensing and see what it’s all about. Now for the real test: pick one lucky friend, family member or colleague and try explaining CC licenses to them. Think about how that particular person might relate as…

The Right License for the Job


Learn to recognize factors that may affect the choice of license. Overview Choosing the right CC license for a work can be a deliberative and thought-provoking process, but it doesn’t have to be. We describe license-choosing in more detail below, but if you want to pick one quickly, Creative Commons has a simple tool for…

Breaking down the CC Licenses


Distinguish between the different parts of a CC license and what they mean. Overview Creative Commons licenses are made up of four conditions that can be mixed and matched to create six different license combinations. The licenses also come in three formats: human-readable, lawyer-readable, and machine-readable. The following video from CC New Zealand is a…

Copyright and Creative Commons are friends


Understand the connection between CC and copyright law. Overview Copyright law gives creators certain kinds of control over their creative work. If people want to use copyrighted work, they often have to ask for permission from the creator. Creative Commons works within copyright law. It allows creators to grant permission to everyone in the world…

Get CC Savvy


Learn about Creative Commons licenses and how they work You: Are an awesome citizen of the web. Want to share your work with others. Want to use stuff that people have shared with you. This course Will familiarize you with the range of Creative Commons licenses, which grant permission to the world to use creative work in specific ways.…