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Open Culture post

LibriVox is a project that describes its mission to be the “acoustical liberation of books in the public domain.” It is a digital library of free public domain audio books that are read and recorded by volunteers. It was started just a year and a half ago, in August 2005, and already has amassed over…


Uncategorized post

A National Public Radio (United States) story on audio books from early this month highlights two very different projects using CC tools. LibriVox provides free audiobooks of public domain works. The audiobooks themselves are dedicated to the public domain using the CC public domain dedication. LibriVox’s goal is “to record all the books in the…

The other Science Commons

Uncategorized post

Since Will posted a brief survey of CC-licensed science fiction and fantasy novels last month I’ve noticed three more exciting CC-licensed SF items: Charlie Stross won the Hugo award for best novella for his CC-licensed The Concrete Jungle. Orion’s Arm is a CC-licensed post-singularity “shared world” where authors are collaborating on fiction and games based…

Cory Doctorow

Open Culture post

I got to feeling like I was someone special — not everyone had a chum as exotic as Keep-A-Movin’ Dan, the legendary missionary who visited the only places left that were closed to the Bitchun Society. I can’t say for sure why he hung around with me. He mentioned once or twice that he’d liked…