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Larry Lessig to attend South Africa’s ccSalon

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It’s a ccSalon… with a twist of sausage. Down south in South Africa we have the much-revered summer practice of the ‘braai’. The braai is just like a barbeque, except with a better selection of meat and southern blue skies. At a braai the norm is for people to bring their own meat and drink.…

Larry Lessig to attend South Africa’s ccSalon

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It’s a ccSalon… with a twist of sausage. Down south in South Africa we have the much-revered summer practice of the ‘braai’. The braai is just like a barbeque, except with a better selection of meat and southern blue skies. At a braai the norm is for people to bring their own meat and drink.…

Vote: NetSquared Innovation Awards

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Voting for the NetSqaured Innovation Awards, previously blogged here, runs today through April 14. Update: Voting has been extended through April 16 at 5PM PDT. You must register and vote for five to ten social enterprises. Twenty winners will receive expenses for two staff members to attend N2Y2 and participate in the NetSquared Technology Innovation…

To build upon

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When we launched version 3.0 of the CC licenses February 23 we also switched on a number of graphical, language, and technical updates. This is the first of a very tardy series of posts about those updates. Creative Commons license deeds are the “human readable” explanation of the “lawyer readable” licenses (e.g., see the Attribution-ShareAlike…

ccSearch updated

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As part of an ongoing overhaul of sites Alex Roberts has given a very attractive new look. Keep an eye out for new CC-enabled search services. If you aspire to be one, check out ccSearch integration on our wiki.

Open Content Licensing – Cultivating the Creative Commons

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“What if Rupert Murdoch’s Fox … bought the rights to Socrates’ dinner parties?” – Richard Neville “Never in our history have fewer exercised more power over our culture than now.” – Professor Lawrence Lessig It is a great pleasure to announce the release of Open Content Licensing: Cultivating the Creative Commons, a new publication of…

For the myspace generation, Vivaldi lives

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Magnatune founder (and CC board member) John Buckman in an opinion piece for Gig Magazine: In 1980, Classical music represented 20% of global music sales. In 2000, Classical had plummeted to just 2% of global music sales. What happened? Did all those people suddenly lose their taste for classical music? Or is something else going…

A swarm of angels progresses

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A Swarm of Angels, a project to collaboratively fund, make, and release (under CC BY-NC-SA) a sci-fi thriller (blogged here last May) is progressing. Participants are currently voting on the next stage of script development and trailer assets will soon be available for remixing at Get involved in this potentially groundbreaking project!

NetSquared Conference 2007: Innovation Awards

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Last year NetSquared put on a great conference in San Jose, California on the use of technology in nonprofit orgainizations. (And did a great job of documenting the conference, e.g.,audio from my session on Free Speech and Free Culture, chat transcript, and separate audio and video interviews and presentation audio from a subsequent NetTuesday presentation.)…

Eduserv Foundation

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We are excited to announce that CC has received significant support from the Eduserv Foundation. The Eduserv Foundation is “a registered charity that works to realise the benefits of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) for learners, researchers and the institutions that serve them.” We are honored to be included among their notable list of grantees.…