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First CC-licensed PhD in Sweden

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The first Creative Commons licensed PhD to be defended on 2nd October in Göteborg, Sweden. The PhD thesis entitled Disruptive Technology: Effects of Technology Regulation on Democracy deals with the negative democratic effects which often arise when attempts are made to regulate the Internet technology. By studying the attempts to regulate the disruptive effects of…

XMP JPEG embedding with PHP

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A couple weeks ago we announced a Java tool for embedding XMP metadata in PDFs. Now Jon Phillips has taken the pjmt PHP library and wrapped it with simple command line an library methods for embedding XMP metadata in JPEG image files. Obviously this would be useful for integration with web-based photo sites. Get the…

Google Summer of Code Wrap-up

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This summer Creative Commons had the privilege of participating in the Google Summer of Code. The Summer of Code is an opportunity for students to gain experience working on open source projects with financial support from Google. Participating projects provide mentoring to the students, and benefit from their efforts through the summer. Creative Commons had…

Tomorrow night at the NYPL: Architecture for Humanity

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New Yorkers, there’s a terrific event happening tomorrow night in your neck of the woods: Live from the NYPL presents a panel with Cameron Sinclair, Kate Stohr and Cynthia Barton of Architecture for Humanity (which we profiled as a Featured Commoner here) at the NYPL. John Hockenberry is moderating the discussion which will address how…

Rocking the Virtual World

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Our first Second Life concert packed the seats in the popular venue, Menorca. Audio simulcast made it possible for listeners, who couldn’t enter the full sim, to hear the the performance via iTunes or teleporting to other sites, such as the Big Horn Lodge in Selby, Akasha Village in Goryeo, and CC HQ in Kula.…

GOOD Magazine Comes to NYC

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NYC CC friends: You are invited to a party this Thursday, Sept 21 at Emergency Arts in Chelsea, hosted by GOOD Magazine! In June, we blogged about CC’s participation in the Choose GOOD Campaign, in which you can subscribe to a year of the magazine for $20 and choose a partnering non-profit organization that you…

Cool CC Flickr find-Dendrology Beauty

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Here is a cool Flickr find. Jordyn Meredith , an art student in Baltimore, has licensed her digital dendrology collection under a CC Attribution, Share-Alike license. These are absolutely gorgeous digital microscope shots of tree cross-sections. My favorite is Lilac Chastetree. From her description: “After identifying the type of tree to which the branch belongs,…

GOOD Magazine Comes to LA

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LA CC friends: You are invited to a party this Friday, Sept 16 at St. Vibiana’s in downtown Los Angeles, hosted by GOOD Magazine! In June, we blogged about CC’s participation in the Choose GOOD Campaign, in which you can subscribe to a year of the magazine for $20 and choose a partnering non-profit organization…

Dropping Knowledge's Living Library

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Dropping Knowledge has announced that it will soon offer over 600 hours of audio-visual material from the recent Table of Free Voices event under a Creative Commons license. The Table of Free Voices took place in Berlin, Germany on September 9, 2006. At this historic gathering, more than 100 esteemed artists, academics, entrepreneurs, scientists, and…