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NYC concert recap

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Last Friday night, Wired and Flavorpill hosted a concert in New York to help raise money for Creative Commons. The show featured amazing performances by Peeping Tom, Diplo, and Girl Talk, as well as short introductions by Wired’s Chris Anderson and CC’s Lawrence Lessig. We’re happy to report that the show was a smashing success.…

Open Music Comes of Age

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In December of 2003 Magnatune recording artist Lisa Debendictis released an album called Fruitless under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license with an original composition and performance called “Brilliant Day” (stream here). In March of 2004 John at Magnatune was encouraging me to get in touch with artists on the label to remix and Lisa was gracious enough…

Red Hat interviews Jamendo's Laurent Kratz

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Red Hat Magazine has posted a good interview with Laurent Kratz, CEO and co-founder of Jamendo, a large (and rapidly growing!) site for Creative Commons-licensed music. In the interview, Kratz discusses his company’s business model and how artists can use openness to expand their audience and make money. Read on … and look out for…

Secret Mixter Revealed

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ccMixter member PorchCat took it upon himself to create a series of events at ccMixter called “Secret Mixter” in which participants pull names out of virtual hat and are assigned to create a remix feature that artist. On a prearranged day everybody uploads their “secret remixes.” The upload day for the third installation “SecretMixter III:…

GiftTrap / board game remix contest with CC elements

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GiftTrap is a fun new board game based on predicting what gifts other players might like. It uses more than 600 cards that feature user-submitted photos of gifts – many of these images are Creative Commons-licensed and shot by Flickr photographers. The company behind GiftTrap has recently announced the GiftTRAP Experience, a contest where people…

Palast Productions Announces Armed Madhouse Remix Contest

About CC post

Palast Productions Announces Armed Madhouse Remix Contest: Excerpts From Audiobook of Greg Palast’s New York Times Bestseller Offered Under Creative Commons License New York, USA — September 28, 2006 The Palast Investigative Fund, Palast Productions, Creative Commons, Alternative Tentacles Records, and Air America Radio are proud to present the Armed Madhouse Remix Contest, taking place…

Bay Area: Revision3 launch event tonight (9/26)

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Revision3 is a cool new Internet TV company from the founders of digg. They’re using Creative Commons licenses for their content and generally promoting the idea of sharing. Tonight, Revision3 is hosting a free launch event in San Francisco at Mighty. More info about the event is available on And here’s some helpful info…