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CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on iCommons

Copyright post

[This is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig and others about the history and future of Creative Commons. If you know others who might find these interesting, please recommend they sign up at] Two weeks ago, I described our first efforts to build CC internationally. That was the beginning of the…

Building Web 2.0

Uncategorized post

It is my duty as a member of the Xtech 2006 program committee to inform you of the call for participation. The theme of the conference, to be held May 16-19 in Amsterdam, is “Building Web 2.0.” Whatever you think of the Web 2.0 name, it is clear that Creative Commons is highly relevant, as…

Ottmar Liebert

Open Culture post

Photo © Greg Gorman / Santa Fe Ottmar Liebert composes, performs and records music in a Nouveau Flamenco style, which mixes elements of flamenco with jazz, bossa nova, and other genres. Seven of his albums have gone platinum and two other albums gold; he has also been nominated for a Grammy. At Ottmar’s and the…

Create & remix like a teenager

Uncategorized post

Many people have written to tell us about the Pew Internet & American Life report on Teen Content Creators and Consumers, which found an astounding 57 percent of online teens in the U.S. create online content and 19 percent are remixers. The report doesn’t mention Creative Commons, though the implications are apparently obvious to our…

Google Advanced Search Enables CC-Customized Searching

About CC post

San Francisco, USA — November 4, 2005 Creative Commons, a nonprofit organization that provides a flexible copyright licenses for authors and artists, today announced that Google now enables filtering for Creative Commons-licensed content Following the example of Yahoo!’s CC-search that was released in March 2004 and then incorporated into Yahoo!’s Advanced Search page, Google has…

CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on Continuing the Movement

Copyright post

[This is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig and others about the history and future of Creative Commons. If you know others who might find these interesting, please recommend they sign up at] From last week’s episode: Thus we use our licenses to build the freedoms authors want upon a reinforced…

Kembrew McLeod

Open Culture post

Kembrew McLeod is currently an Assistant Professor, University of Iowa, Department of Communication Studies. In addition to being an academic, Kembrew is a self-professed prankster. In 1998 he trademarked the phrase “Freedom of Expression®” as a comment on how the intellectual property law is being used to fence off culture and restrict the way in…


About CC post

Silicon-Valley-based NGO reinforces its activities around the globe and introduces its innovative copyright licenses in Slovenia. San Francisco, CA, USA and Berlin, GERMANY, Ljubljana SLOVENIA — October 28, 2005 — Creative Commons, a nonprofit dedicated to building a body of creative work free to share and build upon, will launch the localization of the innovative…

CC in Review: Lawrence Lessig on CC & Fair Use

Copyright post

[This is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig and others about the history and future of Creative Commons. Alternatively, if you know others who might find these interesting, please recommend they sign up at] From last week’s episode: Widespread DRM would disable that interoperability. Or at least, it would disable interoperability…