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CREATIVE Commons In the News

Press post

… an article on a new licensing scheme being used to bring civility to the world of copyright.” From the article: “Interest in Creative Commonsfrom Slashdot – USA

BRINGING the past to life

Press post

… The licence will be similar to that developed by the highly successful Creative Commons initiative founded by Stanford law professor Lawrencefrom Spiked – London,UK

MetaBrainz Launched

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After years of toil the free music encyclopedia MusicBrainz is now backed by a nonprofit foundation with a fantastic best-of-the-usual-suspects board. MusicBrainz has taken an innovative approach to open data: core factual information (artist, album, track) is appropriately dedicated to the public domain, while community generated information is licensed under Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike. Also check out MetaBrainz’s…

Over in Spain – Creating an Online Collaborative Database of Sounds

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In preparation for the International Computer Music Conference to be held in Barcelona in September 2005, the Music Technology Group and the Universitat Pompeu Fabra, have created the freesoundproject. The freesound project is a collaborative database of sounds – not songs or compositions – but sounds: audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps. All sounds uploaded to…

CC at Notacon

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I spent the past weekend at Notacon in Cleveland, OH. While there was one talk devoted to a brief history of copyright in the US, the most exciting talk, for me, was completely unexpected. Jerry Rockwell presented a talk called “Evolution of a Tune: My process of arranging and composing in a Home Studio.” I…