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Ryan Junell

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Ryan Junell and I first met at the University of Texas, where we both took a class about the Internet (Ryan designed UT’s first web site; I caught on more slowly) and saw each other at a lot of rock shows. It wasn’t until Creative Commons started up and needed a graphic designer that Ryan…

Roland Honekamp

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One of the many great decisions Christiane has made during her tenure at iCommons was to bring Roland Honekamp on to lend a helping hand in Berlin. Roland, a former Net entrepreneur, quickly made himself an indispensable utility player, attending iCommons launches on short notice, helping out with press relations and myriad internal iCommons matters,…

Christiane Asschenfeldt

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When Christiane Asschenfeldt joined Creative Commons, in April 2003, Creative Commons offered one set of copyright licenses: in American English, based in good part on U.S. law. Two years later, CC offers fifteen different localized licenses, in thirtheen languages, from countries on four continents. (A couple dozen other localized licenses are in some state of…

View source added to Flash

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Earlier this week at the Flash Forward conference (centered around Macromedia’s Flash product), Creative Commons Chariman and CEO Lawrence Lessig gave a talk about bringing a culture of sharing to the Flash community like the one that exists for HTML. Every web browser can view source of any HTML document, and millions of online publishers…

Signal/Noise 2k5 – Creative Revolution at Harvard Tomorrow!

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For those people in the Harvard area, check out the Signal/ Noise 2k5: Creative Revolution conference being held at Harvard tomorrow April 8, 2005. Find details about it here. The original and first Signal/Noise in 2000 was organized by none other than Creative Commons’ recently departed but dearly beloved Executive Director – Glenn Otis Brown.…

Nice uses of CC

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A couple quick things: I thought it was cool that blogging software company Six Apart republished an essay by Adaptive Path on the failings of Content Management Systems, all about software of the type Six Apart develops. It’s all in accordance with Adaptive Path‘s license, which allows commercial redistribution. Another cool thing was seeing…

Matt Haughey

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In the spirit of fuller liner notes and proper attribution, I’d like to take a few minutes to point out a few things I am particularly grateful for — specific accomplishments of specific Creative Commoners that may not have yet been attributed fully enough to them. (I tried to start doing this a few months…

Top twenty memories at CC

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I tried limiting this list to ten, but I couldn’t do it. There’s no way I could really limit it to twenty, even, but I’ll go with the first score that come to mind, in no particular order. (1) Meeting the World’s Coolest Man. (2) Singing karaoke in Seoul with the lawyers of KAFIL, CC’s…

Dream job

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This news hasn’t exactly been a secret up until now, but it hasn’t been official either. Starting tomorrow, I’ll be hanging up the Creative Commons jersey to start work full-time at Google, as a product advisor and eventually product counsel. Before I go, I have plenty to say about, and many people to thank for,…

5 cent download store comes to life!

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A week ago, I blogged about the 5 cent download. Soon after, I heard from Tryad, a virtual band that spans the ocean from Japan to Ohio. They decided to open their own 5 cent download store, and also offer the service to other artists for free (as long as the bandwidth costs remain manageable).…