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SciVee Television

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Since Science Commons blogged about SciVee last August, the “YouTube for science research” has expanded. If you haven’t already, check out this science television for adults. It’s not your typical science programming–you won’t see Bill Nye the Science Guy here–but you could definitely learn a thing or two on this site promoting open science research.…

Ronaldo Lemos' Public Policy Talk at Google

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Ronaldo Lemos, chairman of iCommons and director for CC Brazil, recently gave a talk at the Google Public Policy series based around the theme of “Cultural Production and Digital Inclusion in Developing Countries”. It is a fascinating talk and a must watch for those interested in CC’s international jurisdiction work.

ACIA: Asia Commoners meet in Taipei

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Reports are pouring in from ACIA: the International Workshop on Asia and Commons in the Information Age, held on January 19-20 in Taipei, Taiwan. The resounding conclusion: it was a phenomenal success! The workshop, organized by CC Taiwan and hosted at Academica Sinica, focused on bringing together members of the “Asia Commons” to meet and…

Creative Commons Cinema 2.0

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Check out this great YouTube clip we got e-mailed over the holidays, cut entirely of footage and sound from The Tracey Fragments. It was made to celebrate what the creator and editor, Toi Matteucci, saw as “Cinema 2.0.”, the reuse of footage from one film (in this case The Tracey Fragments) to create a new…

An Introduction to the Semantic Web … for noobs

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Manu Sporny of Digital Bazaar just posted an entirely non-technical video explaining the Semantic Web. The video and all of its source material are available under a CC Attribution-ShareAlike license for sharing and remixing. Quote from the video: If you can open a web browser, you can understand the Semantic Web. CC has been using…

Welcome to the new world: Cho PD's track for CC Korea

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Cho PD, one of the most successful professional hip-hop artists in Korea, has just released a track in collaboration with CC Korea. The song made its debut last week at CC Hope Day in Seoul. Jongeun Lee, a volunteer from CC Korea, took up Cho PD’s offer to “Remix this, go ahead,” and produced a…

Peter Gabriel, WITNESS, and The Hub

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WITNESS, an international human rights organization founded by pop musician Peter Gabriel, announced yesterday the launch of The Hub (Beta), a place for users to view and contribute human rights-related media – a potential “YouTube for Human Rights”. Of note to the CC-community is that The Hub’s users are “advised to publish contents under a…

Tracey: Re-Fragmented

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The Tracey Fragments, the latest film from Canadian director Bruce McDonald, follows the story of a 15-year-old girl (Ellen Page) who has “lost her little brother and sets out on a desperate journey to find him”. While the film itself looks absolutely phenomenal, Tracey: Re-Fragmented, the film’s online counterpart, is where the project really begins…

New Zealand Successfully Ports Creative Commons Licenses

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October has been one busy month — The CC Team in Greece held a phenomenal launch at the University of Athens (video, photos), Luxembourg became the 40th jurisdiction to port the CC licenses, CC HQ kicked off our 3rd annual fundraising campaign, and now: New Zealand will now offer Creative Commons licenses adapted to its…

Library Open Information R/evolution

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Two recent shorts worth watching: Information R/evolution, a less frenetic followup to The Machine is Us/ing Us, and Libraries Going Open! from the Open Content Alliance. The first is more “meta” and the second more “data”, though there’s lots of overlap. They’re available under CC Attribution-NonCommercial and Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike respectively. Via Boing Boing.