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7 things you should know about CC

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Educause Learning Initiative (ELI) offers a crash course on CC this month in its “7 Things You Should Know About …” series. The series aims to provide basic information on emerging learning technologies or practices in a digestible, easy-to-read format. Past topics include Open Journaling, Digital Storytelling, YouTube and Virtual Worlds. Click here to read…

The hyperweb explained

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You’ve probably seen this video already, or at least noticed that others have blogged it. I didn’t get around to actually watching it until I noticed that Eben Moglen broke five plus months of blog silence to rave about it. “Web 2.0 … The Machine is Us/ing Us” by Michael Wesch is licensed under CC…

Watch the pilot episode of WIRED Science online or on TV

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WIRED Science is a brand new television pilot from our good friends at Wired. You can watch it online or catch the premiere tonight on PBS. Another CC friend, David Byrne, did the music for the show’s opening. Watch the Pilot Episode of WIRED Science Wednesday, January 3, 2007 8:00 PM EST on PBS (Check…

2000 Jamendo albums and almost as many features

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Jamendo recently surpassed 2,000 albums released on the site. Look on the Jamendo stats page for a tale of growth and bandwidth, about half served by P2P. You can search every album, including filtering by license. They’ve also been quietly rolling out feature after feature. Most recent and exciting is the ability to find Jamendo…

The commons and liberation

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Eben Moglen’s Plone Conference keynote address Software and Community in the Early 21st century places free software in the context of historical desire for freedom and social justice, closing with “The difference is, this time, we win.” While Moglen’s focus is free software, everything he says applies equally to free culture. He uses the first…


Open Culture post

Steven Starr is the founder and CEO of Revver, a video-sharing platform that uses Creative Commons licenses to help creators make money from their work. Creative Commons spoke with Starr to discuss Revver’s origins, its future, and the current state of user-generated video.

CC Values

Copyright post

[This email is part of a weekly series written by Lawrence Lessig about Creative Commons. If you would like to be removed from this list, please click here. Alternatively, if you know others who might find these interesting, please sign them up here.] In the four years since we launched CC, the Internet, and the…

Open Music Comes of Age

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In December of 2003 Magnatune recording artist Lisa Debendictis released an album called Fruitless under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license with an original composition and performance called “Brilliant Day” (stream here). In March of 2004 John at Magnatune was encouraging me to get in touch with artists on the label to remix and Lisa was gracious enough…

Bay Area: Revision3 launch event tonight (9/26)

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Revision3 is a cool new Internet TV company from the founders of digg. They’re using Creative Commons licenses for their content and generally promoting the idea of sharing. Tonight, Revision3 is hosting a free launch event in San Francisco at Mighty. More info about the event is available on And here’s some helpful info…