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Rebecca Lendl


As Director of Development for Creative Commons, Rebecca leads the organization’s fundraising and advancement efforts. With 15 years experience in nonprofit management, Rebecca has dedicated her career to supporting artists, creativity, and innovation through administration, finance, fundraising, and strategic planning in the cultural sector. Before joining Creative Commons, Rebecca worked with leading cultural institutions in…

Paola Villarreal


Villarreal is a fellow at the Berkman Klein Center of Harvard University and a former Mozilla Open Web fellow. A self-taught systems programmer and accomplished open advocate, Paola’s research as a Berkman Fellow focuses on the relationship between data and justice, aiming to strengthen access and reduce inequality by developing data tools that inform the…

Paul Keller


Paul Keller is vice-chair of Kennisland, an Amsterdam-based think-tank focused on innovation in the knowledge economy. Paul is public project lead for Creative Commons Netherlands and a leading expert on open licensing systems in the cultural heritage sector. From 2009 to 2013, Paul has been Creative Commons’ Collecting Societies Liaison. In this role, he has been…

Paul Brest


Paul Brest is emeritus professor and former dean of Stanford Law School, having recently returned from a twelve-year stint as President of the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation. Together with Professor Deborah Hensler, he is developing the law and public policy laboratory at the Law School, and he is a faculty co-director of the Stanford…

Ony Anukem

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As CC’s Campaigns Manager, Ony produced and distributed marketing and communication materials to expand CC’s reach, impact, influence and size of its community. Ony left CC in 2023 to move to an organization working on a wider array of programs focused on good works. Ony is a huge advocate of mission-driven communications, and before joining…

Nate Angell

A color headshot of Nate Angell wearing a blue shirt in front of a mossy stone wall.

As Director of Communications and Community for Creative Commons, Nate collaborates to support our vibrant global community of people dedicated to sharing knowledge and creativity, and to amplify the stories they generate. Nate is an evangelist focused on community development, digital communications, meaningful education, open technologies, and sustainable growth. He has worked across a wide…

Naily Nevarez


Naily Nevarez, a 2023 Morgridge Acceleration Program (MAP) Fellow, is collaborating with Creative Commons CEO and 2023 MAP Mentor Catherine Stihler to leverage insights, learnings and policy recommendations from proximate workforce entrepreneurs and workers to raise awareness of CC’s legal tools. Naily is a multidisciplinary designer and visual artist, creating a more just and collaborative…

Monica Granados


Dr. Monica Granados is the Director of Open Science and leads the Open Climate Campaign a multi-year campaign to open knowledge about the climate crisis and preserving global biodiversity. Climate change, and the resulting harm to our global biodiversity, is one of the world’s most pressing challenges. If we are going to solve these global…

Molly Van Houweling


Formerly the Executive Director of Creative Commons and a fellow at Stanford Law School’s Center for Internet and Society, Molly Van Houweling is Associate Dean (J.D. Curriculum and Teaching) and Co-Director at Berkeley Center for Law & Technology where she also holds the title of Harold C. Hohbach Distinguished Professor of Patent Law and Intellectual…

Michael Carroll


Michael W. Carroll is a Visiting Professor of Law at the American University, Washington College of Law in Washington, D.C. Starting in September 2009, Professor Carroll will permanently join the American University faculty and be the Director of the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property. His teaching and scholarly interests focus on intellectual property…