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Francisco “Tito” Rivas to Keynote CC Global Summit 2023

Events, Open Creativity, Open Heritage post
A headshot of Francisco J. Rivas Mesa, smiling in front of an artwork on a wall and wearing eyeglasses and a gray top, to the right of a colorful illustration of a wall of windows, each revealing a different human or animal doing some activity, on a building decorated with a light blue CC Global Summit banner hanging from a slender blue line, surrounded by yellow butterflies and birds and green vines and plants. A headshot of Francisco J. Rivas Mesa used by permission from the Ministry of Culture of Mexico, here cropped, next to Somos El Bien Común" by Eréndira Derbez for Creative Commons, here cropped, licensed via CC BY 4.0.

We are deeply honored to announce that the 2023 Summit’s opening keynote will be from Mexican sound artist, musician, researcher, and cultural leader Francisco J. Rivas Mesa, also known by his stage name Tito Rivas.

Francisco “Tito” Rivas Será un Orador Principal en la Cumbre Mundial CC 2023

Events, Open Creativity, Open Heritage post
A headshot of Francisco J. Rivas Mesa, smiling in front of an artwork on a wall and wearing eyeglasses and a gray top, to the right of a colorful illustration of a wall of windows, each revealing a different human or animal doing some activity, on a building decorated with a light blue CC Global Summit banner hanging from a slender blue line, surrounded by yellow butterflies and birds and green vines and plants. A headshot of Francisco J. Rivas Mesa used by permission from the Ministry of Culture of Mexico, here cropped, next to Somos El Bien Común" by Eréndira Derbez for Creative Commons, here cropped, licensed via CC BY 4.0.

Nos sentimos profundamente honrados de anunciar que el discurso de apertura de la Cumbre CC 2023 estará a cargo del artista sonoro, músico, investigador, y gestor cultural mexicano Francisco J. Rivas Mesa, también conocido por su nombre artístico Tito Rivas.

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