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Free Media

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As a part of the Texas Center for Educational Technology’s Web Library, Free Media is a storehouse of stock photos provided under a Creative Commons license primarily for educational purposes. They currently have over 400 high-quality images in a variety of categories, waiting for your reuse.

Common Content and Get Content launched

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The Common Content Registry of Creative Commons licensed works is now open and is filled with lots of great music, photos, educational materials, which are available for copying or re-use. If you’ve chosen a Creative Commons license for your work, you can register your work at Common Content so that others may easily find it.…

Negativland and you build the sampling license; Creative Commons facilitates

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We’ve just flipped the switch on a discussion area for public participation as part of our new project development process (image). We’re using mailing lists to facilitate the discussion of new license options, our International Commons project, and metadata strategies. We kicked off the new model today with development of a sampling license, with discussion…

State of the Union

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Public Campaign, a campaign-finance reform advocacy group, made its “State of the Union” poster available under a Creative Commons license on its website today. The image features the president of the United States making a State of the Union address — not to the houses of Congress, but to the trading floors of a stock…

A gallery of CC works: the first of many?

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The folks over at have setup a small gallery of images that use Creative Commons licenses. This is a great example of how others can use CC licensed works that matches much of the intention behind the licenses. My own images are featured which I was surprised but pleased to see, and others featured…