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Copyright Law Must Enable Museums to Fulfill Their Mission

Copyright post

Today is International Museum Day and we at Creative Commons (CC) are thrilled to celebrate the institutions that curate, care for, and provide access to the world’s rich diversity of cultures, ideas, and forms of knowledge. This year’s theme, dedicated to the universal values of equality, diversity, and inclusion, is a testament to museums’ ability…

Grant for the Web’s Call for Proposals Is Open Now

Technology post

We’ve got great news for content creators and innovators interested in new ways of doing business online. Grant for the Web—the $100 million initiative by Coil, Creative Commons, and Mozilla (previously discussed here) to fund projects that utilize and build upon the Web Monetization standard—has issued its first public call for proposals. The Web Monetization…

An Update on the (Revised) CC Global Summit

Events post

This week is bittersweet. Bitter because instead of welcoming you to the CC Global Summit in Lisbon, I’m at my home in Toronto wishing we were together. Sweet because we have been given the opportunity to revise the CC Global Summit—to turn this annual, in-person gathering into something uniquely digital that will, hopefully, address the…

Welcome Our Interns from Google Summer of Code and Outreachy!

Technology post
Outreachy and Google Summer of Code Interns 2020

We’re pleased to announce the selection of our mid-year 2020 interns from Google Summer of Code (GSoC) and Outreachy! Both of these programs aim to support students and early career professionals as they venture into open source software development.  Over the next three months, these interns will work with members of the Creative Commons’ team…

Just One Giant Lab Co-Founder Leo Blondel on the Power of Community and Open Source During COVID-19

Open Science, Technology post
The JOGL team by Thomas Landrain (CC BY).

Thousands of strangers working together, almost entirely online, to effectively solve an urgent, global challenge is remarkable—and it’s happening, right now. Recently, we published a post titled, “Open-Source Medical Hardware: What You Should Know and What You Can Do” examining the collaborative efforts by volunteer groups, universities, and research centers to solve the medical supply…

Using CC Licenses and Tools to Share and Preserve Cultural Heritage in the Face of Climate Change

Licenses & Tools, Open Culture post
The Sultan Ahmed Mosque "Sultan Ahmed Mosque" by Konevi (CC0) via Pexels

On the occasion of both Earth Day and World Intellectual Property Day, which this year centers on the theme of Innovation for a Green Future, we’d like to underline the importance of cultural heritage preservation as a response to the threats posed by climate change. In this post, we’ll also share some insights on how…

Open Access in Practice: A Conversation with President Larry Kramer of The Hewlett Foundation

Open Access post
Participants in the Young Women Leadership Program explain software to each other Image by Paula Bronstein/Getty Images/Images of Empowerment, November 2017 (CC BY-NC)

Since the founding of Creative Commons (CC) in 2001, we’ve been supported by like-minded organizations and individuals who value open access, the open community, and the global commons as much as we do. As we near our 20th anniversary, we are reflecting on the past and planning for the future. What better way to do…

Why Sharing Academic Publications Under “No Derivatives” Licenses is Misguided

Licenses & Tools, Open Education post
No Derivatives Feature

The benefits of open access (OA) are undeniable and increasingly evident across all academic disciplines and scientific research: making academic publications1 freely and openly accessible and reusable provides broad visibility for authors, a better return on investment for funders, and greater access to knowledge for other researchers and the general public. And yet, despite OA’s obvious…

Does WIPO’s New Leadership Have the Vision to Shake Up Global Copyright Policy-Making?

Copyright post
WIPO Main Building WIPO Main Building (Arpad Bogsch Building, WIPO (CC BY-NC-ND)

New beginnings at WIPO  On March 4, Daren Tang was nominated director general of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), the United Nations agency dealing with intellectual property matters. Tang is currently the chief executive of the Intellectual Property Office of Singapore (IPOS) and his six-year term as top WIPO official will start on October…