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Posts by elliot

Open Policy Network featured in Shareable


Cat Johnson at Shareable wrote an excellent interview with CC’s Timothy Vollmer on the Open Policy Network, and the importance of open policy in general. It seems logical that publicly-funded resources would be made available to the public, but I know this is not always the case. What stands in the way of these resource…

CC-licensed gifts for Dad (and an easy way to support CC)


Have you gotten your favorite dad a gift for Father’s Day yet? We’ve collected a few of our favorites. There’s bound to be something in this list for every father in your life, no matter whether he’s into classical music or experimental poetry. Those are the two main things dads like, right? If you buy…

CC News: Why Creative Commons must succeed

About CC

Stay up to date with CC by subscribing to our newsletter and following us on Twitter. Ryan Merkley / Rannie Turingan / CC0 Why Creative Commons must succeed “Why am I joining CC? Because its success is so vital, and I want to ensure we succeed. Creativity, knowledge, and innovation need a public commons – a…

Show your support for imprisoned CC community leader Bassel Khartabil


Kalie Taylor / CC0 / Download all posters If you follow this blog with any regularity, you’re likely already familiar with Bassel Khartabil, the Syrian CC community leader who has been in imprisoned since March 2012 without having had any charges brought against him. Thursday, May 22, is Bassel’s birthday, and the third birthday he’ll…