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Posts by glenn



I’ve just heard from the curiously named jazz group Whispering Johnson, who have released their latest recordings, The Birthday Numbers, under the Creative Commons Sampling Plus license. They’ve even gone out of their way to license their sheet music under CC — nice touch. (Which segues into a nice reminder to all you music folk…

Minnesota (Land of My Favorite Rockers)


Prince. Bob Dylan. Husker Du. The Replacements. Tomorrow morning I head out for Minnesota to give a presentation on Creative Commons at the 32nd annual Museum Computer Network/Minerva Conference — though I’ll be focusing on copyright in the visual arts, not music. (I’ll manage to work The Purple One or The Bard-Turned-Lingerie-Spokesman into the lecture…

Autobiography under Creative Commons license


Bob Myers sez: “I’ve put my new book, Bobby and the A-Bomb Factory, up on the web under a Creative Commons License. It’s ‘historical autobiography,’ a romp through the 1950s with me as a child and my atom-bomb-scientist dad. Please take a look! (Via Mark at Boing Boing.)

Billboard Awards


As you know, the WIRED CD was recently nominated for a Billboard Digital Entertainment Award in the category of “best use of technology by a music label.” Neeru and I joined our WIRED counterparts this weekend in Los Angeles to attend the awards ceremony, where we learned that the CD did not take home the…

The WIRED CD: The Calcutta Telegraph


A very nice article on the WIRED CD by Subhajit Banerjee in The Telegraph of Culcutta, India. Can new-age music piracy be curbed by a good old fashioned crackdown? There are stirrings that suggest the way music is shared is about to undergo a drastic change, thanks to the open approach.