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Posts by glenn

OpenContent's David Wiley, Educational License Project Lead


David Wiley, Assistant Professor of Instructional Technology at Utah State University and founder of the trailblazing OpenContent, is Project Lead for development of an educational use Creative Commons license, which begins today. Welcome, Professor Wiley. Read the first draft. Review our earlier discussion on the subject. Join the current discussion. Read the press release.

The Pentagon Papers were less secure


“Advanced Marketing Services, a San Diego-based distributor that expects to handle about 2 million [fortcoming Harry] Potter books between Saturday and January 2004, has hired security guards in the United States and added guard dogs for a Canadian distributor it partially owns. . . . ‘I can’t let you touch the book,’ warned Bill Carr,…

Creative Commons on the Hustings


Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich is using a Creative Commons license on his campaign blog. Some Rights Reserved is a big-tent party. When it comes to IP, we’re the only true party of Jefferson. So who’s next to walk in TJ’s footsteps?

The Flipside of iTunes?


“[B]ecause of the discrete selling and buying of music, digital single by digital single, that iTunes and its kin will foster, we can expect a decline in music bundling, and thus in risk-taking and its shy companion, innovation.” A thought-provoking piece by Sahar Akhtar in Salon today. Akhtar predicts that iTunes-like services will lead to…